First Post!

Welcome to my blog, if this is the only post on it then either its early in its life or I have completely forgotten to make any more posts.

My goal of this post is to do a few things

  1. Explain what I want this to become
  2. Explain what I want to post on here

1. What’s the point? #

When I apply for a job especially a tech job, I want to be able to show the experience that I have, the stuff I have done and useful qualities such as passion for learning and experimenting. The experience part is pretty easy to detail, and I already have done that in my CV. The stuff I’ve done and showing that I have passion is a little harder to convey through a page or two of a CV.

So, I’ve decided to put the stuff I have done, such as projects from uni or just personal projects, and showcase my passion for learning by making blog posts about interestingish topics and updates for projects.

this leads onto my next point…

2. What are you gonna put on here? #

Great question reader! The type of content I want to put on here will mainly focus on tech, cybersecurity, networking, programming, etc. This is because I do want to use this blog to extend my CV, and me writing about stuff like my home network and how I configure servers securely might just highlight me a little bit better in the crowd of applicants.

As mentioned as well, I want to put my projects on here. Some projects won’t be able to be hosted on this website but the ones that can be, will be. Again, this is mainly for the whole I want a job look at me thing but also because some of the projects I’ve made are interesting and I would like to share them with the world.

Though all that being said, I don’t not want to talk about other things, and I might slide a few non-techy posts onto here if they seem kinda interesting.

Finally, if this is the first post you read, hopefully this explains why this place on the internet exists and I hope you enjoy reading my posts!